Scalp Micropigmentation
Scalp Micro-Pigmentation (SMP), or Scalp Tattoo, is an innovative and long-lasting solution to the problem of hair loss in both men and women. It creates the illusion of real hair follicle growth that matches your natural hair color
SMP typically takes 3-4 sessions of pigmentation work to achieve the desired results. Each session can take between 1-4 hours, depending on the size of the scalp area to be worked on. These results can last up to 5 years before you notice a slow fading and need a touch up. Whether the hair loss problem is temporary or permanent, SMP can disguise the condition and allow you to feel confident in your looks. The typical hair loss problems are:
- Alopecia
- Male Pattern Baldness
- Stress
- Hereditary factors or genetics
- Hormonal imbalances

How it Works
During your consultation, you will be able to see a preview of how your permanent makeup hairline will look. You will be able to see a mockup of the hairline, ask questions, and receive a quote after we discuss your needs.

Our first step is to outline a hairline that fits your natural hair pattern, head shape, and facial features. Using a white crayon-like pencil to draw the shape is followed by a surgical pen to ensure that the outline doesn’t disappear.
During the first session, we will cover your hairline tattoo completely and match the undertone of your skin. Following the first impression, more density is created during the follow-up sessions to give them more dimension.

Aftercare : You’ll be given a printed sheet with after care instructions as well as a verbal walk through of what to expect and how to care for your beautiful new brows. A healing ointment is provided for you to apply as part of your aftercare routine.

Ready To Book?
Consultation is required to determine pricing.
The Starting price is $400 for a 3×3 bald spot.
See Our Clients’ Results!

Please follow the Precare instructions to prepare your scalp for optimal results.
Hair Preparation –
One week before your initial appointment, moisturize your scalp 3 to 4 times a day in the areas that will be pigmented. This will ensure your scalp is in the best possible condition and hydrated which will allow the pigment to be properly absorbed. If your skin is oily then do not moisturize. Too much oil in the skin is just as bad as the skin being too dry.
One week before change to a gentle, non-abrasive shampoo.
Shave your head with a razor blade 2 or 3 days before your procedure or If you use clippers choose a size #0 guard the day of your procedure.
- Do Not use a razor on your scalp within 24 hours of the scheduled procedure. It is critical that we see all natural hair in order to properly blend the hair follicles.
- Do Not take Fish Oil or Aspirin 1 week before unless prescribed by a doctor.
- Do Not tan. Avoid direct sunlight to avoid burning and peeling of the skin.
- Do Not drink alcohol or consume drugs 48 hours before your procedure.
- Do Not wear any hair pieces the week before.
Redness and irritation are normal for 1 to 3 days.
A tiny wound is created in the skin when each microdot of pigment is applied. A scab heals over the wound, and eventually falls away. The scabbing process typically is 5 to 7 days, but for some it can last up to 14 days.
- Do Not peel or pick at scabs. Let it fall off by itself. Do Not wet the scab to help it come off. Picking and pulling off skin that is not ready to be removed or come off will cause pigment loss and can pull out deeper tissue.
- Do Not touch or rub the procedure area. Bacteria lives on the surface of your skin and can enter into your bloodstream and cause a bacterial infection. Keep It Clean!
- Do Not expose the area to full pressure of the shower for at least 10 days. You do not want the water to beat on the pigmented area. The water will cause swelling and moisture and remove the scabs.
- Do Not expose the procedure to direct sunlight. It can have an impact on the color and size of the replicated hair follicles.
- Do Not apply styling products for at least 10 days.
- Do Not use anything on your scalp that contains alcohol 10 days.
- Do Not do any strenuous activity for a minimum of 10 days. You want to avoid sweating and swelling at all costs. Increased blood pressure and dilated blood vessels increases swelling and oozing. Sweat will expand your pores and this swells the tissues and allows the body to absorb more of the ink pigment. If you exercise and or sweat you can expect your results to fade significantly. Swelling and sweat fades ink!
Day 1-4
Take ibuprofen or your favorite pain reliever to reduce swelling and discomfort.
You may wear a hat outside, but it must be clean and loose-fitting. If you do wear a hat in the healing process you must allow the scalp to breathe properly so remove the hat every 30 minutes for the first 3 days.
- Do Not use shampoo, water or soap.
- Do Not sweat! No gym, No weight lifting, No cardio, No running.
- Do Not shave the head
Day 5-6
You can take a light shower, light water pressure, and gently shampoo your scalp. Pat dry, do not rub.
You can sweat lightly. No gym, No weight lifting, No cardio, No running.
Do Not shave the head.
Day 7-9
There still may be scabs on your scalp. Apply moisturizer 2+ daily to prevent dryness and flaky skin. If you have oily skin then skip this step.
You can sweat lightly. No gym, No weight lifting, No cardio, No running.
Do Not shave the head.
Day 10+
This is the time you are probably considering shaving your head. Be careful of any scabs that might still be on your scalp. Only use an electric razor. You should wait 30 days before using a razor blade.Note: Return to your normal regiment with the exceptions below:
- Avoid direct sun exposure for 14 days.
- Avoid saunas, chlorine pools, beach or salt water for 30 days.
- Avoid swimming in fresh, salt, or chlorinated water for 30 days.
Do I need to take time off of work?
NO. SMP does not require down time. The Scalp will have a slight redness for 1 to 3 days after the procedure, but subsides quickly.
Does it hurt?
SMP hurts much less than getting a regular tattoo. Clients can experience mild discomfort during the procedure. Most clients feel a slight tingling sensation, but focus on the benefits rather than the experience.
How many treatments will I need?
Clients should expect between 2-4 sessions, usually spaced 10 to 30 days apart, to complete their treatment. It depends on how extensive your hair loss is, scarring, density preference, and goals.
When can I wash my hair?
Most people, including family, cannot tell the difference from natural follicles and SMP follicles if done correctly by the technician.
Can Scalp Micropigmentation hide scars on my scalp?
Yes. If you have had any trauma to the scalp or even a hair transplant, this can be an excellent solution to conceal those scars. Scars are fibrous tissue and can be hidden by replicating and blending tiny hair follicles into the scar area. The scars will become much harder to spot and in most cases are completely hidden.
What if I have thinning hair?
If suffering from thinning or mildly diffused hair loss, SMP will increase the illusion of density between your natural hairs creating the look of a fuller head of hair.
What kind of hairline will I have?
The right hairline for every client should take into consideration factors such as, head shape, age and what you are comfortable with. Together we will create a hairline style that will work for you. You should also research the different styles of hairlines on the internet. We also have a book of hairline styles available for you to look through.
Can I wear a hat after treatment?
Yes. The scalp may have a slight redness for 1-3 days post session. You can wear a clean and loose-fitting hat that should be removed every 30 minutes to allow the skin to breathe.
Will this treatment work for women?
Yes. SMP can add density by creating natural looking hair follicles on the scalp. It can make thin hair looker fuller and thicker. Throw away your medications that promise to re-grow your hair. With SMP, after the 1st treatment you will see immediate results.
Please complete this Waiver at least 48 hour before your appointment!